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Welcome to NYSAVE

Imagine if your beloved pet suddenly became injured or seriously ill, and your veterinarian said the prognosis was good with proper care, but you simply could not afford to pay for it. Imagine if you were living on a small fixed income or had a low-paying job and there was nothing left over for an emergency. Imagine if nine lives were just not enough for your pet, who is so important to you and your family.


That is why we are here. NY Save Animals in Veterinary Emergency (NY SAVE) was incorporated in 1998 to provide funds for emergency care when pets most need it and their owners have exhausted all other avenues. Veterinarians aid in the effort by reducing their normal fees to provide life-saving treatment.

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We Heal Pets

Hospital Partnership Program

We Care

Pet Owner Resources

We Love Pets

Pet Memorial Program

Our Success Stories


Jazzy was extremely thin and lacked any strength. After lab tests, treatment, and hospitalization, she began to recover. She’s now gaining strength, standing on her own, and has much more energy. She will now have many happy years ahead.

Prince Erol

Prince Erol is a four month old kitten that had surgery to remove a linear obstruction. Without NY SAVE the pet would not have survived, but now has a whole life ahead.


Moki had two broken hips which were surgically repaired with the financial assistance of NY SAVE.


Neo had a perineal hernia surrounding his intestines and without surgery would not live much longer. He was operated on and is now back on his paws.


Scar took a traumatic fall that left her with a broken femur. Although her leg had to be amputated, with the help of NY SAVE, Scar is thriving.


Princess Ortiz had a severe leg fracture which was surgically repaired and she is now recovering from her injuries.


Kioko’s owner found her on the floor unable to move and crying for help. She was referred to a NYSAVE hospital partner, was treated, and is back on her feet.


Chaos had a kidney injury and her owner was unable to pay for her care. She was hospitalized and treated for Chronic Renal Failure (CRF).


Rampage was hit by a car and suffered a leg fracture. He was treated, hospitalized overnight, and sent home with a splint.


Garrison had a large tumor that was growing on his underside which had started to prevent him from being able to urinate. Emergency surgery was performed and he is doing great.


Chalky is a 9 year-old male Chihuahua who had a mast cell tumor on his left front paw which required partial amputation.  His prognosis is good following surgery.


Pippin is a 6 year-old male cat that fractured his tarsus. Surgery was performed twice to correct the bone. A pin was placed in his leg and Pippin is finally doing much better.


Mambo started showing symptoms of weakness, not eating, and swelling in his abdomen. He was diagnosed with kidney failure due to stone blockage. He underwent cystotomy surgery to remove the kidney stones and is now back to being a happy pet.


Miley was panting and coughing and demonstrated excessive thirst. He was diagnosed with cardiac disease and placed on medicine. Miley is feeling back to normal.


Will was having difficulty breathing and panting excessively. He was treated for respiratory problems and is doing well.


Rocky was diagnosed with a perineal hernia which prevented him from emptying his bowels. After surgery, he is in good health and back to being playful.


Chapo is a high energy puppy who had an accident and fractured his leg. He had emergency surgery and is back at home


Bella is a 10-year old Domestic Shorthair who was having difficulty urinating. She was diagnosed with cystic calculi. Her growth was surgically removed and she is now back to normal.


Jade had a tumor on her right ear canal which was surgically removed. Her owner is thankful that she is no longer in pain and discomfort.


Chiquito is a 7-year old MC Chihuahua who had bilateral mandibular fractures. He was very painful and had to be syringe fed by the owners. His jaw fractures were repaired via a bone plate and screws.


Roxie is a 7-year old Labrador Retriever who had been suffering from a series of growths in her mouth and on her head. If they continued to grow the possibilities of infection spreading would be very great and severely affect the quality of her health.


Dean is a 3-year old Norwegian Forest Cat. His owner observed a very noticeable shift in his overall health and demeanor. Luckily, after noticing his continuing anguish, she took him to be evaluated.  Dean needed to be unblocked in order to gain relief.


Isabella is a 3- year old Shih-Tzu. She had severe discomfort and pain caused by a pyometra (uterine infection). Little Isabella was not acting like herself and when extreme pain and discomfort was plaguing her, Isabella’s owners acted quickly to take her to their trusted veterinarian for help.

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